Zach Mason

Full-Stack Web Developer

About Me

I'm a full-stack, front-end leaning web developer with a Masters in Teaching. I am experienced with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS), SQL, C# and more. When I'm not coding, I'm producing music, traveling, and spending time with my dog and wife.

Picture Of Me



Game Ranker Image

Collaborated with AX (Ad Experience) Team to develop Mission Control, utilizing TypeScript, React, GraphQL.

343 Industries

Halo Waypoint App

Worked on Halo Waypoint site and Halo Waypoint React Native App for iOS and Android.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone EE

Maintained E&E global sites using ReactJS, GraphQL, Airtable.


Fantastapack Site

Updated Fantastapack website & maintained React API.



As a front end developer at Catalysis, I worked with a team of developers creating responsive emails and landing pages for Microsoft. Two of these emails are show here.

Windows Phone Apps


I started building .NET C# apps as side projects during my time at Catalysis. Recently, I've been teaching myself how to make React-Native apps as well. Three projects are show here.

Chat Emoji

Chat Emoji Image

A collaborative app designed open a live chat space for like-minded patrons. Technologies Used: Ruby on Rails + Active Record, Web Socket / Action Cable, User Authentication, HTML / CSS, Postgres, Coffee Script, Wireframes, Emoji Picker Gem, and Bcrypt.

My Music Website

My Music Website

A basic HTML, CSS, Bootstrap website that showcases 4 (of 30+) albums I've created and produced.

Mile Tracker App

Mile Tracker App

An app that helps you keep track of the miles you ran. Uses HTML, CSS, jQuery (calendar, Mobile UI), and localstorage.

Drawing App

 Drawing App

A fun canvas app that allows users to draw any shape, size, color of image, and then save the image to their local machine.

War + 52 Pick Up

Chat Emoji Image

Play a game of war against the computer and 52 card pickup when you become frustrated. Utilized HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery to create a game of war and 52 card pick up simulation.

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe Game

Basic Tic Tac Toe game using Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.


Find Me Online

Zach Mason | Seattle, WA | 2016